Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A rare view of our departure home taken by my sister Mary we are the blue Saab

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Mary Brennan <mtjbrennan@on.aibn.com>
Date: 24 March, 2012 9:15:34 AM EDT
To: Bill Brennan <b.brennan@sympatico.ca>
Cc: Mary Brennan <mtjbrennan@on.aibn.com>
Subject: Your departure

You will not likely get this unti tomorrow - hope you had a safe trip - talk soon. M, M, J

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Just for Katie and Rebecca

This is the Waldon-Galleria a very large shopping centre in Buffalo. It was a very large mall and very clean. Nana and I found prices to be about exactly what they would be at home. We did meet my sisters and arranged to have them over for drinks before we went to dinner. This was a very nice way for us to end a wonderful trip. It is not a vacation, Trish and I are both retired thus our vacation does not end.


The trip not the vacation is almost over. We are on our way to meet my sisters in Niagara Falls. In Wilkes-Barre we stayed in a Red Roof. This is the view we got from the outside hallway on the second floor. If you look closely enough you may be able to see Dunder Mifflin or the location for "The Office", Stratton Pensilvania.


We wanted to have lunch in a quiet corner restaurant and get some Pensilvania Dutch cooking. We settled for The Shady Maple Smorgasbord. It seats 1200 in their dinning room and also have room for 1000 in their banquet room. The meal was very good and not too expensive, but we both ate too much.

Best buggy picture

This is the best picture of a buggy. There were a few around but not so easy to get a good picture of. I am not sure the drivers really wish to be a tourist attraction.

Thursday March 23

We left Dover Delaware and drove to the Amish Country in Pensilvania. We saw a few men plowing their fields with horses but not much else. There were a lot of neat and tidy prosperous farms, but by the time we realised we did not have a picture they were gone.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The causeway

When we left Jamestown Nana and I asked "Sally" the way to Dover Delaware. She said that if you were going to Dover you would not start from here and sent us back to Norfolk and across the causeway. There is a place to eat just before you go through the first tunnel but when we got to it there was no sign so I thought it was after the tunnel, wrong.

After the second tunnel we stopped to take a picture of this enormous container ship going through the gap. I hope you can see just how big it is.

Exhibit Building


Administration Building

Once an hour they fire a musket

Ammunition store

Inside fort building

Nana in the fort building is sleeping accommodation

First boat which goes with the pictures of cabins

Below aft

Smaller boats

Down below crew quarters 71 on board

Largest of three ships

Cooks quarters

Working on a dugout canoe

Two ladies working at daily chores

Dinner guest

The Indian Village

Model boats and Nautical Instructments

There were several rooms set up



Jamestown Settlement

I would like to show you some pictures of The Jamestown Settlement. I cannot expand a lot for Nana and I went through pretty quickly and did not take notes. I would like to suggest if you go anywhere near you should make a point of going. It is very well done and very interesting. This is a cannon from around 1775. The first group will be from the large exhibit building, then the Indian village, followed by the ships and finally the fort.

Wednesday March 21 Jamestown

I am not going to add Jamestown right not for it is almost 8:00 and we have to get moving. I do have lots of pictures and we had a great time going through the large exhibit building, the Indian Village, the Fort, and the sail boats. I will try to get this done this evening from Wilkes Barre Pennsylvania.

Trish/Nana and a Colonial Gentleman

I do not know what Nana was thinking. You can all fill in the bubble over her head with what ever you feel appropriate.

Trish/Nana as we leave Williamsburg

An old fashion parking metre

Wouldn't this be fun

First I should comment on my Fujifilm FinePix F550EXR camera. All I do is point and shoot, which by the way is all I am capable of doing. I think the pictures are great, not because of me but the camera.

As I have said Williamsburg was not busy. Some of the buildings were not open, but all the horse and buggies were working and great to see and hear.

The Governor's Home

Various means of Transportation

The Williamsburg Church

Williamsburg Garden

There were many gardens all in bloom. It is always nice to see flowers again in spring. These gardens are as they would have been in colonial times, thus small.

Our lunch stop


As you can see it is still warm. It seems the Williamsburg season has not quite started so we got a parking spot right away and headed for lunch.

The only Naval Ship we saw.

As we left Yorktown and made our way to Williamsburg we did see the ship taking on ammunition.

The Coast Guard doing fog practice

Yorktown Virginia

On Monday March 19 we started home. The first day was a repositioning day and got us to Norfolk Virginia. There was not much on the way except good weather and roads. Tuesday we went to Williamsburg, but on the way we passed through Yorktown. We went by a couple of Civil War Battle fields and actually got out of the car a Yorktown. The most exciting thing was the Coast Guard training session landed at the dock.